How To Write Good Blog Posts

It can be difficult finding tips on writing better blog posts.

Blog post writing is different than the writing that you were probably taught in school.

Tip 1 –  Break Up Your Paragraphs

People today are impatient. Most likely they have come to your website while searching for something on their phone.

Once your site has loaded (and it better be fast!) they’ll start scanning your post, looking for the right information in your headers and the start of paragraphs.

In school you learned to write at least five sentences in a paragraph.

In blog writing, two sentences is usually long enough.

If you’ve written a long paragraph, add line space between sentences.

Nothing is scarier than a wall of text!

Tip 2 – Write A Compelling Headline

Blog post headlines that inspire curiosity tend to get clicked on.

You should never create a false promise in your headline. It’s a bad user experience, and search engine raters (humans who rate search engine results) will give a low rating to your site.

It’s smart to include a relevant keyword in your post title so people and search engines will know what to expect in your post.

Tip 3 – Use Subheadings

Subheadings are the larger, bolder titles at the beginnings of sections in a post (including this post!).

They can be H1, H2, H3, etc.

Usually H1 is for titles only. In your blog post, use H2 for subheadings, and H3 for any sub-subheadings.

Tip 4 – Add Relevant Media To The Writing

An all-text article can be a little too dry these days.

It’s always a good idea to add at least one relevant image or video to your post.

Remember that most people are viewing the web on a mobile device. So keep your image file size low (so that it will load quickly) and make sure it is presented at the full width of the screen (so it doesn’t look too tiny).

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