How To Get More Traffic To Your Blog

Are you frustrated trying to get more traffic to your blog? Don’t worry – you’re not alone.

Increasing traffic is one of the most common challenges new bloggers face. Luckily, the solution is easy to implement once you know what to do.

Below, I’ve laid out my very best tips for growing your blog’s traffic – and the good thing is, most of these methods will start giving you traffic within 24 hours.

So, what are you waiting for?!

How To Get More Blog Traffic Fast

We’ve all seen the posts where new bloggers brag about how they got 30,000 pageviews in their first week blogging.

The problem with those posts is that it gives other new bloggers a false sense of expectation with their own blogs.

Yes, an overnight traffic avalanche is possible but it’s not a realistic thing to wish for.

If you start out expecting virality, you’ll get disappointed and discouraged when it doesn’t happen.

So one of the best things you can do for yourself right now is to set realistic traffic goals for yourself.

Once you set realistic, achievable goals when it comes to your blog traffic, you’re all set to start taking action and making it happen.

Join Facebook Round Up Request Groups

What’s a round up request group?

Basically, in these Facebook groups, people submit requests for posts they’d like to link to in their upcoming round up posts.

A round up post is a type of blog post that simply links to a list of other people’s posts, and usually includes some pictures from the linked-to posts with a short description.

Round up posts do really well on Pinterest – so if you’re a part of a round up post that goes viral, you’ll probably see some extra traffic.

Plus, getting a new backlink to your site from a relevant blog will help your search engine rankings.

Share On Reddit

Careful with this one, she’s sensitive! Seriously though, Reddit can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Here’s what people like on Reddit: Wholesome stories about real life, bits of wisdom, humor, stuff related to Marvel/DC/StarWars, things that truly make you say “wow!” or “whoa..”, and pets.

Here’s what they don’t like: ads, and things that feel like ads trying not to be ads.

So, if you want to try sharing your content on Reddit, it’s very important to find a relevant subreddit to post it in, and then only share something you genuinely think belongs there.

I’ve had content go viral on reddit many times, and while it can be great getting a huge traffic boost for a day or two, I always have to remind myself to have a thick skin there – there’s just about always going to be someone in the crowd who came to throw rocks. People just don’t care when they have a layer of anonymity to hide behind.

If you get easily stressed out by trolls, ask a trusted friend or family member to manage your Reddit sharing for your blog, so that you don’t have to personally deal with negative comments – because let’s face it, no matter how tough you try to be with these things, rude comments can ruin your day.

Concentrate On Pinterest Traffic

If I could pick one method that regularly brings the quickest traffic, I’d pick Pinterest.

The key to getting Pinterest traffic is to make and upload new pins – either for your old, updated posts, or for new posts.

Also, if you’re consistent with Pinterest, your pins could potentially go viral, bringing you a nice traffic surge.

Learn how often to post on Pinterest here.

Use Tailwind Tribes

Imagine you had a group of other bloggers in your niche who were consistently pinning YOUR pins to their relevant boards?

That’s the beauty of Tailwind Tribes.

The way it works is that you share your pins to the group, help other people by pinning some of their pins, and they’ll return the favor and pin your pins, too.

It’s a great way to quickly get your new posts some traffic.

Update And Share Old Content

To make old content new again start by editing the first paragraph and the title in some way that is relevant. For example, adding the year, or making a more compelling title.

By the way, I recommend that you never put a date in your URL – only include it in the title or body of your post. You want your URL to stay the same as much as possible.

For updating your post, try looking for ways you can add more relevant internal links, images, or external links to your post. Take a look at your content and ask yourself, “How can I add value for my reader in this post? What would make this article even better for them?”

If you have photos in the post, be sure that they all have the alt tags filled out with a description of what the image depicts – DO NOT stuff keywords or hashtags in your ALT tags, as their purpose is to help visually impaired people understand what’s in your image. KW stuffing is so 2006 guys…

Then simply share your post again to Pinterest, Facebook, and wherever you normally promote your content. If you’re sharing an image from the post, share a new image and share new teaser text.

Optimize Your Images For Speed

Nowadays with people using mostly their phones to browse the internet, it’s important for your pages to be FAST. Fast pages are faster because they send less data, which takes less time for the user’s browser to render. Fast sites are more accessible to people with lower internet speed and they use less electricity. Fast is IN.

Also, search engines like Google and Pinterest keep track of the load times of your pages, and will reward quicker pages with better ranking.

So, anything you can do to make your site faster is worth it!

One of the easiest ways you can decrease the loading time for your pages is to optimize your images.

There are some WordPress plugins you can use to optimize your images on upload (or shrink the ones you already have, without losing quality), for example and Smush. ShortPixel is another amazing option that can quickly optimize your images in bulk.

My current pick for image optimization is the eWWW Image Optimizer WordPress Plugin. It’s fast, light, and free!

Comment On Other People’s Blogs

Commenting on other people’s blogs used to be one of the ways to get traffic to your site faster. But, nowadays it’s mostly seen as a spammy, low-quality method to gain a backlink.

You can still do it but it’s important to only leave a thoughtful, genuine comment. Ask a question, say thank you for what you learned in the article, or comment on some additional relevant information that was not in the article, but could still be useful for other readers to know about.

Guest Post On Other Blogs

Another way you can quickly increase traffic to your blog is by guest posting.

Yes, guest posting takes a little more effort – you’ll need to reach out to the owners of the blog you want to post on, and you need to write a good article that they’ll be happy to post.

If you want to do guest posts, look for blogs that are already an authority in your niche. If they’re already getting tons of pageviews, getting some of that traffic to come back to your blog can make a big difference!

Get More Blog Traffic Fast – TLDR

A little time and effort is all it takes to get people coming to your site.

If you try all or some of the techniques I mentioned above, I know you’re bound to see an increase in traffic!

Just like with anything else, there aren’t really any shortcuts worth taking when it comes to blogging. The real rewards come later after you’ve stuck with it over time.

The best action you can take NOW is to start doing the things that you know WILL work.

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