How Often To Post On Social Media in 2021

How often should you post on social media? Once a day? Twice a day? Is once a week enough? In this post, I’ll cover everything you need to know about how often you should be posting, on each social media platform.

The most important thing you should know about how often to post, on ANY platform, is that consistency is key.

So before you start posting 5 videos a day on YouTube, ask yourself: Is this a pace I can stick to consistently?

It’s also good to keep in mind that posting too often on any platform can be annoying to other users – nobody likes to have someone else constantly trying to get their attention. Posting too often can also get you banned from any platform, so be mindful of that as well before you post.

Twitter: How Often Should You Tweet?

If you want to grow your followers on Twitter, the rule is generally the more you tweet, the better. Tweeting 5-25 times per day is a safe bet to keep your Twitter account active, engaging, and growing.

Tweets come and go quickly, so tweeting more often helps ensure that your audience actually sees your tweets in their feed.

Remember, people will usually see your tweets in their feed – they won’t be specifically checking your page every day. So if you don’t tweet very often, your chances of being seen in the Twitter feed diminish.

If you’re just starting out and not sure if Twitter is the place for you to grow your brand, try tweeting once a day.

Pinterest: How Often Should You Pin on Pinterest?

Pinterest has changed a lot over the years and the amount of times you should pin on Pinterest has changed, too.

What was working well for account growth in 2016 is not working in 2021.

These days, new pins (that’s images that have never been uploaded to Pinterest before) perform much better than re-pinned images.

So how often should you pin? Ideally, you should pin new images to Pinterest at least 5 times per day, up to 50 times per day. That’s about twice an hour, give or take.

One important thing to mention is that it’s not a good idea to pin images linked to the same post too much – posting too frequently from the same URL is one of the things that can get your account banned.

Posting 5 times or less per day from the same URL has been fine in my experience. Just be sure to space the pins out over the day instead of pinning them all at once.

You can use Tailwind to schedule your pins in advance.

Instagram: How Often Should You Post On Instagram

Instagram Posts

Ideally, you should post 1 time per day on Instagram. It’s funny how on different platforms, people have a different appetite for what kind of content they want to see, and how much they’re willing to see posts from the same user.

On Instagram, people get annoyed quickly if someone is posting too many times a day, or if the posts aren’t very good quality.

That’s why it’s better to post less frequently, just once or *possibly* twice a day, and with only your best images. Think of Instagram as a place to curate the best-of-the-best of your visual content – images or video.

If you don’t produce enough content to post once a day, post once a week. The important thing is to be consistent.

Instagram Stories

It’s ideal to post at least one Instagram story each day to see the most engagement. You can post more than one if you have a longer video or more content to share.

Instagram Reels

Reels are similar to TikToks – they are short videos up to 60 seconds long. They can be made up multiple video clips and you can add text overlays to them just like you can with TikToks. Reels came out in August 2020 and have continued to see good distribution into 2021.

You should post one instagram reel per day to see the most engagement.

Instagram TV (IGTV)

IGTV is Instagram’s answer to long-form videos and is somewhat similar to YouTube. IGTV videos can be up to 15 minutes long if uploaded on a mobile phone or up to 60 minutes long if uploaded on desktop. 

As with other formats on Instagram, you’ll use vertical video. Ideally you should post to IGTV once a week to maintain your engagement on the entire platform.

How Often To Post On LinkedIn

Ideally, post on LinkedIn once per business day for the best engagement.

When should you post on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a social media platform used for professional networking. So, it makes sense that you should generally post during business hours for your intended audience.

Morning, noon, and around 4 or 5 pm are the most optimal times to post, since those are the times when working people have some free time to check up on social media. Plus, if you are employed, you don’t want to get in trouble for posting during times when you were supposed to be working!

How Often To Post On TikTok

Most experts agree that in order to really grow your TikTok following, you should post about three times a day. Always make sure you’re posting quality content that people will enjoy watching. If you have a hard time thinking of three different things to post every day, you could split one idea into a three-part video.

How Often Should You Post On YouTube

The general advice is that you should post a video once a week to grow your YouTube channel.

It’s even better if you can post quality videos 2-3 times per week, although you should only do so if you can maintain that rate of publishing over time.

If you’re thinking about starting a YouTube channel and aren’t sure how often you’ll be able to post, try creating 3-5 videos before you publish any of them. That way you’ll know how long it takes to shoot and edit a video.

Once you start publishing videos on YouTube, try to keep a few unpublished videos on hand at all times in case you have a week where you get sick or need a break.

How Often To Post On Facebook

Ideally, you should post on Facebook once a dayBut 1-3 times a week, if done consistently, will be good enough to grow your audience on Facebook.

If you want to post more than once a day, be sure to spread out your posts so there’s at least 3-6 hours between. You can use Facebook’s Creator Studio to schedule your posts to go out at specific times.

So what time should you post on Facebook?

The best time to post on Facebook is when your audience is on Facebook. So how can you find that out?

Use Facebook Insights. Facebook Insights are analytics tracking for Facebook Pages. Here’s where to go:

On Desktop: First, go to your Facebook page. On the left-side column, click on where it says “Insights.”

Then, click on where it says “Posts” on the left-side column:

On the next screen you’ll see a graph showing “When Your Fans Are Online” like this:

If you hover over each day, it’ll show you more accurate data for each day:

Now, if your Facebook Page is brand new, you’ll see that there is no graph and instead, it’ll show a message saying “Data for When Your Fans Are Online is not available.”

The only way to get some data is to start posting and sharing some of your content on your Facebook Page and check back later.

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