About Me

How it all got started…

It was the summer of 1998, probably sometime in mid to late July. Like most of the kids at this time, I was starting to get a little bored of my summer vacation. So, one afternoon I suddenly decided to ‘look up’ (this was just before Google, so I was using good old Alta Vista) information on learning HTML for kids. I came across a simple tutorial on a brightly-colored website called Lissa Explains, and for the next few hours I just dove right into learning how to write HTML (to make websites).

For the next ten years or so, I was rarely not making some kind of fansite or blog for whatever I was into at the time. Later on, I decided to start making websites for other people, mostly to help them grow their small businesses and brands.

Then one summer (another late summer boredom) I got the idea that I wanted to make money blogging. I didn’t know much about it but, once again, I just went all in. Over the course of the year I learned SO much – I also made a million mistakes. My hope is that I can pass along some of my know-how and blog-sense to you so you don’t have to make the same mistakes I did.

I created Pixel Belle because I love websites, and I know the power that harnessing even a tiny fraction of the internet can have – it can change your life, your family’s life, and the life of people you’ll never meet. That is a pretty cool thing! I’d love to help others achieve the same or better success that I’ve had.

So, I hope you’ll find the articles and tutorials here at Pixel Belle to be useful. Your questions/comments are welcome – I love to read them.

Thank you for stopping by!

– Shannon